Social Engineering Testing and Training

Machines are not the only system vulnerable to exploits. Many times, attacks happen through human error and manipulation.

Simply put, Social Engineering is ‘people hacking’, causing a person to give attackers a backdoor into your network, or inadvertently divulging valuable organizational information putting your business at risk.

In all cases, the goal is simple: convince a human to do something foolish. Nearly every organization is susceptible to social engineering, and we have never seen a 100% success rate in repelling our tests.

We work with you to identify targets and attack vectors and assess your organization’s response to a targeted, well-crafted threat, and then work with your team to determine your specific needs and help you develop a unique training program – not for someone LIKE you, but for you specifically. This includes recruiting the involvement of multiple parts of the organization to ensure the training is comprehensive and focused.

In addition, if the worst has already happened and your organization has become the victim of a social engineering attack, we offer an in-depth post-attack analysis to help determine what happened, what the attack vector was, and even reverse-engineering any malware should the need arise.

We can also assist in reviewing, analyzing, and consulting on post-attack response plans. Once an incident has occurred, organizations are typically interested in bolstering their incident response plan to address future issues, and testing those response plans for weaknesses is key.

While it’s certainly preferable to help head off social engineering threats before they happen, it’s never too late to bring in a trusted partner to help deal with one that managed to get through.

We stand ready to educate, test, or put things back together.

If you don’t test your system’s security like there’s something to gain, someone else will…

Ready to take your security to the next level?

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